
Consciousness, and the human mind’s perception of it, is my primary source of joy and sorrow. One might be surrounded by people and yet feel profoundly alone. Conversely, one may might truly be utterly alone, miles from another, and yet feel as though they are not alone while possessing meaningful memories of company past.

You have to be in Hell to see Heaven.

Lost at Home

Seem to be having a prolonged period of an assumed inability to do enough, or, to do the right thing at the right time. All, mind you, while doing everything that I am able to do. No amount of laundry, dishes, litterboxes, trash, cleaning, vehicle maintenance for a vehicle which I pay for but don’t drive, or butlering can compensate for an unspoken and unbidden call for a roll of toilet paper.

Forsake ALL Hope ALL Who Enter


20 years of lies, those in power who perpetuate them, and those in thrall who believe them.

Oiga amigos! Oiga amigos!

Paco! Enrique!
Last words of Hassan Sabbah,
The Old Man of the Mountain!
Listen to my last words, anywhere!
Listen all you boards, governments, syndicates, nations of the world,
And you, powers behind what filth deals consummated in what lavatory,
To take what is not yours,
To sell out your sons forever! To sell the ground from unborn feet


Gone, the Joy that created new worlds,

Only to see them crumble and burn.

Outlier of Love that ruled the universe,

Dreams that come no more.

Broken and lost, the lover lies listless,

Yearning for the missing piece.

Eternity of pain.


Broken heart like a shattered diamond,

Remnants of pure love and joy.

Opalescent shards lay strewn,

Knotted together with a grief

Every bit as old as the joy beside it

Never to be mended.

The criterion of personal genuineness and the crucible of our shared reality.